2023-01-31 Version 1.4.15 - BUG: Unsupported type after lib update. 2023-01-25 Version 1.4.14 - CHG: Help file updated. - CHG: Security update with latest Microsoft libraries. 2019-01-08 Version 1.4.13 - BUG: Enron mode fixed. 2015-12-17 Version 1.4.12 - NEW: Timeout method for serial connection changed. 2015-09-07 Version 1.4.11 - NEW: For serial connection a "Remove echo" function is added. This function is useful if the Modbus request is echoed back from either the slave or a serial converter. 2014-03-11 Version 1.4.10 - NEW: License key method that allow Excel files to be unlimited redistributed. 2012-01-07 Version 1.4.9 - BUG: TCP/IP Mode: Transaction ID do not increment. (Bug indroduced in version 1.4.8). 2011-11-28 Version 1.4.8 - CHG: TCP/IP mode only: Response accepted also if the byte counter in MBAP header is > the actual length of the expected PDU. This could happen if a Modbus gateway added a CRC at the end despite this is not according to the specification. Version 1.4.7 - BUG: TCP/IP mode only: If the response was divided in multiple packages the whole response was not read in case of too long time in between. Version 1.4.6 - BUG: Problem using multiple MBAXP controls with Modbus TCP/IP connection. Version 1.4.5 - BUG: Problem using 2 MBAXP controls controling 2 comm. ports on same form. Version 1.4.4 - CHG: Max number of handles = 200, was 100 - CHG: Min delay between polls = 1ms, was 10ms - NEW: More Baud rates added. Version 1.4.3 - NEW: Version information added. Version 1.4.2 - NEW: Supported serial ports are now 1-255 instead of 1-32. Version 1.4.1 - BUG: NULL bytes was discarded if another program had used the serial port before and the "discard NULL bytes" option was set in the serial port. Version 1.4.0 - New: Property 'ConnectTimeout' Timeout for TCP/IP connection. Version 1.3.2 - CHG: Min UpdateRate = 1ms was 50ms Version 1.3.1 - New: Property 'DelayBetweenPoll' Ensure idle time between transmissions. Version 1.3.0 - New: Daniel/Enron Modbus - New: Methods for read/write arrays. Version 1.2.7 - BUG: Could crash if the TCP/IP response is much longer than expected. Happened if disconnect/reconnect the ethernet cable several times. Version 1.2.6 - CHG: Handling of divided TCP/IP packets Version 1.2.5 - CHG: Minimum value for timeout changed to 30ms Version 1.2.4 - BUG: Was not visible in the Components dialog in VB6.0 Version 1.2.3 - BUG: Problem using 2 MBAXP controls controling 2 comm. ports on same form. 2005-11-13 Version 1.2.2 - CHG: Version number format changed and build number is shown in about box. - CHG: NSIS used as install tools. - CHG: Trial period expire text is changed. Version 1.21 - BUG: Problem with port > 8 fixed. Version 1.20 - NEW: Supported serial ports are now 1-32 instead of 1-8. - CHG: Update rate now 50 - 600000ms. - NEW: IsConnected method added. - NEW: RTS Control property added. RTS is default disabled. - NEW: TCP/IP Port property added. Version 1.10 - NEW: IsBusy method added. - NEW: GetResult method added. Version 1.04 - BUG: Fixed a problem with first time use of UpdateOnce after a task is modified by a Modbus function e.g. ReadHoldingRegisters. Version 1.03 - BUG: Fixed a problem with 2 stopbits. Version 1.02 - CHG: Slave ID limit 255. Was 247. Version 1.01 - CHG: Improved property page. Version 1.00 - First release.